1) Dinosaurs liked to eat. I also like to eat. Maybe not people; they're too salty for my tastes. Sugar is what's really good for you. Sweeter the better! Nom nom nom, sugar monster!
2) Dinosaurs were the epitome of cool. I am almost as cool. As an awkward dinosaur, I try to stand out from the crowd with my crazy hair, my exquisite fashion sense, and my exceptional lack of balance.
3) Ever notice that phenomenon when someone is busy looking at the dinosaur in the room and not saying anything about it, while the dinosaur is publishing a whole book about what's going on? I will endeavour in this blog to bring the dinosaur into the open.
4) Dinosaurs were mostly social creatures and I am no exception. I will write a cast list so that you can see who is on the top of the food chain!
5) The sex life of a dinosaur isn't always straightforward. Neither is eating, sleeping, or surviving the jaws of that large meat eater that's lurking around the corner. My life is a bit like that, and if you read this blog you'll find out why!